Wartime. Stories of our Colleagues: викладачка YC Віталіна Калініченко

Трагедія війни загострила відчуття гордості та щастя жити в Україні, розкрила найкраще в наших людях. Викладачка Yappi Corporate Віталіна Калініченко поділилась, за що вона вдячна в час випробувань і в чому знаходить позитив.


Life During Wartime, Pt. III: викладачка YC Віталіна Калініченко


I used to think I was unlucky. After all, I have never won the lottery, haven’t inherited anything, and I was not born with a silver spoon. But it turns out that good luck – is to be in a safe place in stormy moments, have enough food, warm water or clean bedding. To be lucky is to take an unexploded shell out of the house. It is to be calm because your family is safe and secure, it is not to receive sad news, it is to be able to call your relatives and hear their voices.

Today is exactly a month since the beginning of the war. I am happy because I did not cry from grief during this time. My eyes were just wet because of pride for my country, because of gratitude to the people who sheltered me, because of compassion and emotions, because of the awareness of the heroism of our men and women, because of the fact that every morning I receive messages from my mother: My daughter, I wish you a good day!

28 days ago life changed for before and after. But I was lucky that the worst thing that happened to me during this time was clothes that I did not change for two weeks, dirty hair and lack of a shower. I was lucky that I didn’t have to stand in the train for 18 hours or didn’t go by bus lying in the aisle. I was lucky that I did not have to make difficult decisions and abandon pets. I am lucky that I have the opportunity to use the phone, the Internet and even work. I am lucky to have friends who are ready to open the door to their homes around the world.


Life During Wartime, Pt. III: викладачка YC Віталіна Калініченко - 2


I believe that this spring has changed each of us, making us stronger. I am writing this text in a room with 6 children next to me: beautiful, smart, smiling. We have no right to give up, we cannot doubt ourselves or our country. We must show them how to build the future, fight together, support each other and value our life.

  • inherit – успадкувати
  • stormy moments – буремний час
  • unexploded shell – снаряд, що не розірвався
  • grief – горе
  • gratitude to the people who sheltered me – вдячність людям, які мене прихистили
  • go by bus lying in the aisle – їхати автобусом, лежачи в проході
  • abandon pets – залишати домашніх улюбленців напризволяще
  • we have no right to give up – ми не маємо права здатися
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