Мир только что адаптировался к новым реалиям жизни после полных локдаунов и перенастроил бизнес-процессы, чтобы стимулировать развитие экономики. Казалось, что COVID-2019 – это самая страшная трагедия современности, которая забрала жизни людей и возможность свободного передвижения, разрушила планы на будущее и переформатировала нашу обыденность. Мы видели, как быстро распространился вирус, какие его прямые и косвенные последствия проявились. Сегодня во время взрывов за окном мы с иронией ностальгируем по марту 2020-го.
Национальные экономики тесно связаны в едином макроэкономическом мире, поэтому события в Украине обязательно коснутся соседних государств. Полномасштабная война в XXI веке не может быть локальной, то есть не может затронуть только одну или две стороны конфликта. Она не может нанести удар только по одной отрасли, только по одной компании, только по одному аспекту общественной жизни или проходить исключительно в физической плоскости.
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За последние десятилетия процесс производства одного продукта стал длинной цепью, которая может начинаться на плантациях Бразилии и заканчиваться на конвейере предприятия, расположенном в пригороде Киева. Поэтому российско-украинская война уже затронула весь мир. Вот несколько заголовков публикаций последних дней, подтверждающих это:
Refugee Crisis Will Test a European Economy Under Pressure (The New York Times) – Кризис, вызванный беженцами, испытает европейскую экономику
Can Germany Break Up With Russian Gas? (The New York Times) – Может ли Германия проститься с российским газом?
Lithuania threatens to stop using Russian oil and gas (BBC) – Литва пригрозила прекратить использование российских нефти и газа
International Monetary Fund official discusses the economic impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine (CBC News) – Представитель Международного валютного фонда обсудил экономические последствия вторжения россии в Украину
Ukraine war: Fears Russian aggression could spill into Poland (BBC) – Война в Украине: страхи, что российская агрессия может перекинуться на Польшу
Обрати внимание, что в заголовках не используются вспомогательные глаголы, прошедшее время, конструкция be going to или будущие времена сменяются просто инфинитивом, а артикли иногда совсем не употребляются. К примеру:
Russian troops kill 10 people queuing for bread – US embassy in Kyiv (следует понимать: Russian troops killed 10 people queuing for bread – US embassy in Kyiv) – Русские войска убили 10 человек, стоящих в очереди за хлебом.
Zelensky to address US Congress shortly (следует понимать: Zelensky is going/ is bound to address the US Congress shortly) – Вскоре Зеленский обратится к Американскому Конгрессу
The Western brands unable to leave Russia (следует понимать: The Western brands are unable to leave Russia) – Западные бренды не в состоянии покинуть россию
European leaders risk train ride to meet Zelensky (следует понимать: European leaders are taking risk going by train in order to meet Zelensky) – Европейские лидеры рискуют, отправляясь поездом, чтобы встретиться с Зеленским
Russia's state TV hit by stream of resignations (следует понимать: Russia's state TV is being hit by the stream of resignations) – Российское государственное телевидение страдает от многочисленных отставок
Ukrainian media say Chernihiv residents killed in shelling (следует понимать: Ukrainian media say Chernihiv residents were killed in shelling) – Украинские медиа сообщают, что жители Чернигова были убиты во время обстрелов
О других последствиях агрессии пишут международные издания и независимые аналитики. Рассмотрим несколько популярных глагольных фраз, используемых в печати.
- to cause a downgrade – привести к снижению рейтинга
- to impose sanctions – вводить санкции
The war in Ukraine and the associated sanctions that countries around the world have imposed on Russia are likely to cause a downgrade of the International Monetary Fund’s global economic growth forecast. (source)
- to cause massive damage – нанести огромный урон
- to result in tragic loss of life and human suffering – привести к трагической утрате жизни и человеческим страданиям
The war in Ukraine is resulting in tragic loss of life and human suffering, as well as causing massive damage to Ukraine’s physical infrastructure. (source)
to face significant recovery and reconstruction costs – столкнуться со значительными затратами на восстановление и реконструкцию
While it is very difficult to assess financing needs precisely at this stage, it is already clear that Ukraine will face significant recovery and reconstruction costs. (source)
to slow global growth – замедлить глобальный рост
Also, the war in Ukraine is likely to slow global growth, the I.M.F. warns. And here are the main points affecting Ukraine and the whole world. (source)
- to shrink by up to 35% – сократить до 35%
- to become a protracted conflict – перерасти в затяжной конфликт
Ukraine’s war-ravaged economy could shrink by up to 35% this year if Russia’s invasion becomes a protracted conflict, the International Monetary Fund has warned. (source)
to surge – возрасти
Energy and commodity prices – including wheat and other grains – have surged, adding to inflationary pressures from supply chain disruptions and the rebound from the Covid‑19 pandemic. (source)
to have an impact worldwide – иметь влияние во всем мире
Price shocks will have an impact worldwide, especially on poor households for whom food and fuel are a higher proportion of expenses. (source)
to cause grave concern – вызвать серьезную обеспокоенность
The surging prices for energy and other commodities – corn, metals, inputs for fertilizers, semiconductors – they are coming, in many countries, on top of already high inflation and are causing grave concern in so many places around the world. (source)
to support the most vulnerable households – поддержать наиболее незащищенные домохозяйства
Fiscal policy will need to support the most vulnerable households, to help offset rising living costs. (source)
- to lead to significant spillover effects throughout the world – привести к значительным побочным эффектам во всем мире
- to increase social spending for refugees – увеличить социальные расходы для беженцев
The prolongation of Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine, in addition to the humanitarian and economic losses, will also lead to significant spillover effects throughout the world: increasing social spending for refugees, and increasing poverty. (source)
То есть вот в чем состоят основные тренды, которые уже сегодня можно абсолютно уверенно прогнозировать:
- война в Украине вызвала серьезный кризис в цепи поставок для многих стран, которые не получат сырье, материалы и готовую продукцию;
- также война повлияет на глобальный экономический рост;
- инфраструктура Украины катастрофически повреждена, для ее восстановления понадобятся годы и миллиарды долларов;
- каждый день российская агрессия усугубляет гуманитарный кризис;
- пакет санкций в отношении россии приведет к падению ее экономики.
The war in Ukraine is resulting in tragic loss of life and human suffering, as well as causing massive damage to Ukraine’s physical infrastructure. Also, the war in Ukraine is likely to slow global growth, the I.M.F. warns.
And here are the main points affecting Ukraine and the whole world:
The Ukraine crisis is another shock to a world economy that was just emerging from the coronavirus pandemic, and it has been compounding global supply chain disruptions and inflation headwinds that have been cause for concern. The full impact on the world economy remains uncertain, I.M.F. officials said, and will depend on the outcome of the war and how long sanctions remain.
Ukraine’s war-ravaged economy could shrink by up to 35% this year if Russia’s invasion becomes a protracted conflict, the International Monetary Fund has warned.
Energy and commodity prices – including wheat and other grains – have surged, adding to inflationary pressures from supply chain disruptions and the rebound from the Covid‑19 pandemic. Price shocks will have an impact worldwide, especially on poor households for whom food and fuel are a higher proportion of expenses.
The surging prices for energy and other commodities – corn, metals, inputs for fertilizers, semiconductors – they are coming, in many countries, on top of already high inflation and are causing grave concern in so many places around the world
If the war escalates, the economic damage would be all the more devastating. The sanctions on Russia will also have a substantial impact on the global economy and financial markets, with significant spillovers to other countries.
In many countries, the crisis is creating an adverse shock to both inflation and activity, amid already elevated price pressures. Monetary authorities will need to carefully monitor the pass-through of rising international prices to domestic inflation, to calibrate appropriate responses.
Fiscal policy will need to support the most vulnerable households, to help offset rising living costs. This crisis will create complex policy tradeoffs, further complicating the policy landscape as the world economy recovers from the pandemic crisis.
In Ukraine, in addition to the human toll, the economic damage is already substantial. Sea ports and airports are closed and have been damaged, and many roads and bridges have been damaged or destroyed. While it is very difficult to assess financing needs precisely at this stage, it is already clear that Ukraine will face significant recovery and reconstruction costs.
In January, the I.M.F. reduced its estimated global growth rate for 2022 to 4.4 percent, from the 4.9 percent it had projected last year, as a result of slowdowns in the United States and China.
The war in Ukraine and the associated sanctions that countries around the world have imposed on Russia are likely to cause a downgrade of the International Monetary Fund’s global economic growth forecast.
The most significant threat to the world economy was greater inflation coming from higher commodity prices as countries shifted consumption away from Russian oil and gas.
Ukraine’s top economic adviser said earlier on Thursday that Russia had already destroyed $100 billion worth of the country’s assets.
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today approved a disbursement of US$1.4 billion (SDR 1,005.9 million) under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) to help meet urgent financing needs and mitigate the economic impact of the war. The Executive Board expressed its strong support for the Ukrainian people.
The Russian economy is contracting, and the recession in Russia is going to be deep.
In an initial assessment, the IMF said the loss of life, damage to critical infrastructure, trade disruption and an outflow of refugees would lead to gross domestic product falling by a minimum of 10% in 2021.
The prolongation of Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine, in addition to the humanitarian and economic losses, will also lead to significant spillover effects throughout the world:
deterioration of food security;
surging of energy and commodity process;
rising inflationary pressures;
disruption of supply chains;
increasing social spending for refugees, and increasing poverty.
- The war in Ukraine is likely to slow global growth, the I.M.F. warns (www.nytimes.com)
- Ukraine economy could shrink by up to 35% in 2022, says IMF (www.theguardian.com)
- IMF and Ukraine (www.imf.org)
- Sustainable Finance in Emerging Markets is Enjoying Rapid Growth, But May Bring Risks (blogs.imf.org)
- Ukraine: Request for Purchase under the Rapid Financing Instrument and Cancellation of Stand-by Arrangement – Press Release (www.imf.org)